Citizen service
Waste disposal
Termine Abfallentsorgung 2025
Info zur Abfallentsorgung 2025
Education on the obligation to neuter cats
Dementia Strategy: Federal Government - Land - Municipality
Dementia Strategy.pdf
Dementia Strategy1.pdf
Invitation to the Online Information Event Storage for PV Systems on Monday, 15 March 2021
KEM CR_PV storage poster.jpg
Pressetext_KEM PV-Speicher_15032021.pdf
freakout: Offenes Tanztraining ab Mitte Oktober - lebenshilfe Kärnten
Community safety tip: Observe bathing rules
GEMEINSAM.SICHER beim Wintersport
Öffnungszeiten Marktgemeinde Rosegg Weihnachten/Neujahr
Eating right... Pregnancy, breastfeeding, babies and toddlers
REVAN Folder_Carinthia_2024.pdf
Protection against computer and internet crime
Sicherheitstipp "Brandschutz und basteln im Advent"
Brandschutz im Advent-Rosegg.jpg
Brandschutz im Advent - Grafik.png
Basteln im Advent-Rosegg.jpg
Safety tip "Stormy weather - heavy rain - flooding" Protective measures
Tip -Stormy weather - Heavy rain - Flooding.pdf
2024 Info Storm high 4.jpg
Safety tip "Behaviour in the event of storm hazards" Protective measures
Safety tip - Storm hazards.pdf
2024 Info Storm high 4.jpg
Safety tip-carbon monoxide
Social companion
SVS Consultation Days 2021
Tips for protection against twilight burglaries
University programme "Regional Development"
Accommodation directory Rosegg 2024
Understanding for a "species-own life"!
Zivilschutztipp "Brandschutz in der Weihnachtszeit"
Fire protection during the Christmas season.doc.pdf
Christmas tree fire-Rosegg.jpg
Civil defence tip "Make yourself visible - see and be seen"
Tip See and be seen.pdf
Make yourself visible-Rosegg.pdf
Zivilschutzverband "Naturgefahren Ratgeber"
On the compulsory leash for dogs in Carinthia
Parking a motor vehicle without a licence plate
Application for zoning confirmation
Application for water connection
Work on or adjacent to the road - application for a permit for municipal roads
Special Electoral Commission - Request for visit
Application for employment
Bee report
Organic waste collection form
Brauchtumsfeuer - Notice about the burning of a customary fire
Citizens' Voice (General Concerns)
You can use this form to submit legally valid applications to the municipality for which there is no separate form. It is a standardised form (sender, recipient, text, attachment(s)) and replaces e-mails to the personalised e-mail addresses of the municipal staff.
Marriage book - Transcript - Application for issue
Change of ownership/change of tenant
Direct debit mandate
Combustion plant - Technical report of the executing company
Combustion plant over 50 kW - construction/modification
Register of births - Transcript - Application for issue
Birth certificate - application for issue
Birth certificate (international) - Application for issue
Grave extension
GWR construction project
GWR right of use
Marriage certificate - Application for issue
Marriage certificate (international) - Application for issue
Dog deregistration
Dog registration
Sewer connection
Kindergarten - Pre-registration Kindergarten Place
Short-term parking zone - special permit
Amusement levy for apparatus - registration/deregistration
Bin registration/deregistration
Local Heritage Preservation Act - Application
Protection of the local image/maintenance of the local image - Display
Personal and registration information
Repayment of fee credits
Curfew extension
Proof of citizenship - Application for issuance
Death register - Transcript - Application for issue
Death certificate - application for issue
Death certificate (international) - Application for issue
Criminal record certificate - Order
Road traffic regulations - suggestions
Road traffic regulations - Exceptions from the StVO in individual cases
Request for deferral
Application for subsidies - Promotion of associations
Subsidy applications for school events
Event - Operating site for events
Event announcement
Loss report
Cattle census
Voter registration - Application for registration
Electoral roll - objection
Election card - application for issuance
Water meter reading report
Declaration of residence
Flat and/or garage - termination
Housing application for allocation of a flat by the municipality
Second home tax
Subsidy for the construction of a PV system
The municipal council of the municipality of Rosegg decided in its meeting of 30 March 2023 to redefine the subsidies. The construction of a PV system (per system) is subsidised with EURO 400.00 for a maximum of 5 systems per year. The basic prerequisite is the promise of a provincial subsidy. You will find more information on the application form