
Notice - Information about an intended acquisition of rights

Ergebnis Volksbefragung "Windräder" vom 12.01.2025

Kundmachung Marktgemeinde Rosegg Jagdpachtzins 2024

Announcement City of Villach "Amendment of the zoning plan"

Announcement City of Villach "Amendment of the zoning plan"

Kundmachung Stadt Villach "Auszahlung Jagdpacht 2024"

Regulation 1. NTV 2022
Regulation_1. NTVA 2022-2907095943407.pdf
1. NTV 2022 adopted version_officially_signed.pdf

Announcement for inspection after adoption of the financial statements 2021
Closing of accounts 2021 adopted version of 20.04.2022_official_signature.pdf

Announcement on the announcement of the election to the Plenary Assembly of the Carinthian Chamber of Agriculture
Ordinance of the Carinthian Provincial Government of 28 June 2021, LGBl.Nr. 53/2021, announcing the election to the Plenary Assembly of the Chamber of Agriculture:

Announcement on the registration procedure for the referendum petition with the abbreviations
Compulsory vaccination: If necessary YES Compulsory vaccination: Strict NO

Announcement of the 1st supplementary budget 2021 - circulation of the draft
1.ntva2021 draft_official_signing.pdf
Pursuant to § 6 para. 2 in conjunction with § 8 of the Carinthian Municipal Budget Act (K-GHG), LGBl. No. 80/2019, last amended 66/2020, it is hereby announced that the draft of the first supplementary budget for the financial year 2021, including the textual explanations, is available for public inspection.