
Kirchtag shop and Kirchtag barbecue organised by DG-St. Martin

07.09.2024 16:00

St Martin village square
Postwurf Kirchtag 2024.pdf
Organic waste

09.09.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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E-BIKE Sicherheitstraining 14. September 2024 9.30 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr

14.09.2024 09:30

E-BIKE Sicherheitstraining - speziell für ältere Fahrerinnen und Fahrer
Einladung_Ebiketraining  20240914.png
E-BIKE Sicherheitstraining 14. September 2024 13.30 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr

14.09.2024 13:30

E-BIKE Sicherheitstraining - speziell für ältere Fahrerinnen und Fahrer
Einladung_Ebiketraining  20240914.png

15.09.2024 11:00

Postwurfsendung Emmersdorf.pdf
Organic waste

16.09.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Yellow sack

17.09.2024 07:00

This goes in the yellow bag:

Plastic bottles for beverages, plastic bottles for detergents and cleaning products, plastic bottles for personal care products, beverage cartons (milk and juice cartons), yoghurt and other cups, trays and trays for fruit and vegetables, takeaway, foils, chip bags or chip tins, packaging of sliced cheese ...

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Gelber Sack neu.png
Rubbish 2

20.09.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Organic waste

23.09.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Herbstausflug 2024

24.09.2024 08:30

Einladung für alle Pensionisten, Senioren und Junggebliebene zur Tagesfahrt in das Holzmuseum St. Ruprecht ob Murau in der Steiermark
Postwurf senioren.pdf
Rubbish 1

27.09.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Alpe-Adria-Trail hike

28.09.2024 09:00

AAT SaveTheDate Wanderevent 2024.jpg
Paper 1

30.09.2024 06:00

Organic waste

30.09.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Organic waste

02.10.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Zivilschutz-Probealarm Samstag, 5. Oktober 2024

05.10.2024 12:00

Probealarm 2024 Rosegg.pdf
FNL Herb Day Autumn

06.10.2024 10:00

Oktoberfest with classic car meeting, DG KG Berg

06.10.2024 11:30

Pavilion in Berg
Paper 2

07.10.2024 06:00

Rubbish 2

11.10.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Yellow sack

15.10.2024 07:00

This goes in the yellow bag:

Plastic bottles for beverages, plastic bottles for detergents and cleaning products, plastic bottles for personal care products, beverage cartons (milk and juice cartons), yoghurt and other cups, trays and trays for fruit and vegetables, takeaway, foils, chip bags or chip tins, packaging of sliced cheese ...

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Gelber Sack neu.png
Organic waste

16.10.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Rubbish 1

18.10.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Organic waste

30.10.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Chestnut festival of the DG Emmersdorf-Bergl-Drau

31.10.2024 00:00

Drau weir
Rubbish 2

04.11.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Rubbish 1

08.11.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Paper 1

11.11.2024 06:00

Yellow sack

12.11.2024 07:00

This goes in the yellow bag:

Plastic bottles for beverages, plastic bottles for detergents and cleaning products, plastic bottles for personal care products, beverage cartons (milk and juice cartons), yoghurt and other cups, trays and trays for fruit and vegetables, takeaway, foils, chip bags or chip tins, packaging of sliced cheese ...

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Gelber Sack neu.png
Organic waste

13.11.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Paper 2

18.11.2024 06:00

Rubbish 2

22.11.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Organic waste

27.11.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Rubbish 1

29.11.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
St Nicholas procession of the BTG Rosegg

01.12.2024 14:00

Yellow sack

10.12.2024 07:00

This goes in the yellow bag:

Plastic bottles for beverages, plastic bottles for detergents and cleaning products, plastic bottles for personal care products, beverage cartons (milk and juice cartons), yoghurt and other cups, trays and trays for fruit and vegetables, takeaway, foils, chip bags or chip tins, packaging of sliced cheese ...

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Gelber Sack neu.png
Organic waste

11.12.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Rubbish 2

13.12.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Rubbish 1

20.12.2024 06:00

Residual waste includes all waste that cannot be collected separately and that is free of hazardous substances.
Paper 1

21.12.2024 06:00

Organic waste

24.12.2024 07:00

Not only leftover fruit and vegetables, but also tea bags and coffee grounds in the filter go into the organic waste bin. Other kitchen waste such as eggshells and leftovers as well as old food may also be disposed of in this way.

e.g. dairy products such as yoghurt and curd; fish bones and animal bones in household quantities; peelings from all fruits; ...

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Paper 2

30.12.2024 06:00
